Top 6 Female NFT Artists to Watch Out For in 2023
Discover 6 notable NFT female artists who are leading the generative art revolution including Iskra Velitchkova or Ivona Tau.
This article was updated in June 2023.
Over the past months, I’ve noticed a wave of very talented female artists creating generative art and leading this movement. I wanted to know them better and share more insights about their backgrounds, motivations, and challenges they faced emerging in this new field.
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1. Iskra Velitchkova
Iskra ( @pointline_) has been producing physical art in the form of plotter work and generative NFTs inspired by the relationship between humans and machines. She switched from a career in data and information systems and hasn’t looked back since then.
Life is not just about digital. Or physical. I don't think we should make techonology more human, I believe that we have to push technology forward to understand us better.
What has been your biggest challenge in this space?
First of all, finding my place in the space. I mean, I worked for a long time in digital graphics. I had my place in my fields: data visualization and information design, but I was new in expressing myself through art itself. At least in terms of sharing it. For me was very important to find, since the beginning, the right ecosystem in terms of the community I wanted to be part of. Finding the right people to connect and learn, the right pace –the long run one– and building a solid narrative along with my work. Understanding the possibilities that this technology opens to us and being part of this art movement at the same time. Being part of that force without being washed away is an incredible challenge.
What advice would you give aspiring NFT female artists?
There is no female or male artist; there are just artists. Believe in yourself, do your best, follow your intuition and be proud of being able to bring beauty to people. Beauty always wins.
Among her influences, Iskra mentioned Andre Tarkovski, Bauhaus teachers and students, and Alma Mahler.
2. Ivona Tau
Originally from Lithuania, Ivona (@ivonatau) combines AI and photography to great success. Besides obtaining multiple awards, one of her NFTs sold at Sotheby’s auction house in New York.
A core element of Ivona’s work lies in the intersection of arts and photography with the new technologies and machine learning. Her goal is to find and evoke emotions in the artificially intelligent tools, this way making them more human.
When and how did you discover NFTs?
Early last year, I started hearing about NFTs more and more and I got curious. Also, a bunch of AI artists that I was following started mentioning this cryptic platform - Hic Et Nunc. I finally decided that it would be pretty cool to immortalize my works on blockchain, not even with the purpose of selling but owning NFTs of my own work. Even though I ended up minting my first NFT on OpenSea, Tezos was where I fell in love with the ecosystem and the community as it felt really organic and authentic. It feels like Hic Et Nunc was where I grew up as an NFT artist and built my brand and recognition, which afterward translated also to other areas.
What has been your biggest challenge in this space?
Being taken seriously, as a woman artist, is something you need to work on constantly. Especially with this omnipresent “bro culture” of the NFT space and collectibles. It feels like often you have to be bolder, talk louder, be more confident than you’d normally like to. I actually had learned a lot of those skills during my career in engineering and A.I., a field that is also still quite masculine.
3. Lisa Orth
From tattoos to code, Lisa Orth (@lisaorthstudio) is one of the most popular NFT artists on FxHash.
On a mission to establish her singular style, Lisa Orth translates natural themes into otherworldly etchings on skin. Her distinctive technique is often imitated but never equalled, with clients traveling from across the globe for a chance to receive a piece of her original artwork for their very own.
When and how did you discover NFTs?
I suppose like a lot of other people I discovered NFTs during Covid. I’ve always worked as an artist of some sort, starting off in graphic design. I did a lot of work for Sub Pop records as their very first Art Director, designing Nirvana’s first records and their famous “logo”, among other things. I’ve owned a design firm, done illustrations and fine art, and most recently been focusing on a career in tattooing.
When shutdowns started I wasn’t able to tattoo at all, and I found that I had all this spare time to devote to other kinds of art that I’d put on the back burner cause I was so focused on tattooing. I don’t remember when or where exactly it was that I heard about NFTs, but when I did it was so exciting. The idea of proof of ownership and royalties for digital artwork seemed like a dream come true. When I discovered Hic et Nunc and the tezos ecosystem I knew something special was happening. So much incredible art and experimentation on the platform. Also with proof of stake crypto being so much better for the environment, a nice side effect is the low minting fees really inspire risk-taking and experimentation.
What advice would you give aspiring NFT female artists?
I guess I would say find your own unique voice and be fearless in your experimentation. Art should be in part about pushing the boundaries we find within ourselves. Also, I feel like this question deserves addressing the issue of naming a “women” or “female” led movement, as it excludes trans and non-binary folks, who are already not represented in a lot of spaces. Finding ways to be inclusive should really be a priority as we carve out these new spaces.
Among her influencers, Lisa mentioned Jean-Claude Marquette, Manfred Mohr, Vera Molnar, Jared Tarbell, Marcelo Soria-Rodriguez, Eko33, Kazumasa Teshigawara, and Joanie Lemercier.
4. Anna Lucia
Anna Lucia (@annaluciacodes) is an engineer turned generative artist. She is originally from the Netherlands but relocated some years ago to Cairo to work on large-scale water infrastructure projects.
When and how did you discover NFTs?
I first heard about NFTs back in 2017 when my brother told me about CryptoKitties. I had just started dabbling in crypto and researched NFTs for a bit back then. I even looked at buying some land in Decentraland. It would have cost me around 25 dollars at the time. Today, I can't remember why I didn't do that back then. In 2018, I kind of forgot about crypto and NFTs until the start of 2021 again. Generative artists that I had been following for a long time started doing exciting things on Art Blocks and Hic et Nunc. I minted my first pieces on Foundation in August of 2021 after the encouragement of IX Shells.
Was it hard to become a full-time NFT artist?
Yes, and no, it might have been both the easiest and the hardest professional choice I've made so far. I'm an art school dropout but never stopped creating and always had this hidden desire to work full-time as an artist one day. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had dreams about quitting the 9-to-5 and following their passion, but as you become more invested in another, often more stable, career path, it becomes harder to make that choice. Making that choice was hard, but I didn't do it overnight. I prepared myself; financially, I made sure I had my ducks in a row, and I could weather the ups and downs of crypto; I didn't burn any bridges behind me and could return to my previous industry if I'd like to. That makes things easy now, and I can focus on making art because I created that stability beforehand.
What advice would you give aspiring female NFT artists?
Find your community. I would not be doing this full-time today without the amazing artists and collectors who have supported me. I would especially advise finding artists in a similar niche. For me, that is generative art, but I'm sure that for any medium, there is a group out there somewhere. And feel free to send me a DM!
5. Aleksandra Jovanić
Aleksandra (@alexis_o_O) holds a Ph.D. in Digital Arts and BSc in Computer Sciences. She combines her duties as an assistant professor with her artistic side making generative NFTs.
In her artistic practice, she mainly focuses on interactive art, art games, and generative art. Her recent works explore nonlinear narratives and the use of computer games logic and rules in the context of art.
When and how did you discover NFTs?
At the beginning of the last year, I was involved in the creation of an interdisciplinary course for high school students (a combination of math, programming & arts) and I realized I haven't got any of my generative art and creative coding sketches in my online portfolio and that I should post more of those. That eventually increased my social network and connections to other generative artists, and I got more interested in NFTs. For months I didn’t know how to start or whether to start at all! Most practical and helpful information came from Raphaël de Courville (@sableRaph), and I started mid-August.
Are you a full-time NFT artist? If yes, was it hard to make the decision? If not, are you planning on going full-time soon?
I’m not a full-time NFT artist. I’m an assistant professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade. I still manage to find time between online lectures (due to the pandemic) and during (winter/summer) break between semesters to make NTFs. I love teaching, so that’s the main reason I haven’t yet considered becoming a full-time NFT artist.

What advice would you give aspiring NFT female artists?
The advice I would probably give would be the same for every artist, and it would be direct adoption of part of Sol LeWitt’s letter to his friend Eva Hesse: “Just stop thinking, worrying, looking over your shoulder wondering, doubting, fearing, hurting, hoping for some easy way out, struggling, grasping,…Stop it and just DO!…” [You can easily find the whole letter online, it’s just the perfect advice.]
6. Amy Goodchild
Amy Goodchild (@amygoodchild) focuses on shared interaction and group experiences by creating installations that multiple people can use together.
I have a background in user experience design and I consider my audience in everything I do - creating art that people want to engage with.
What has been your biggest challenge in this space?
I think the biggest challenge currently is responding to the changeability in the market and social media. It can be hard not to take the ebb and flow personally and that has an effect on my mental health and motivation.
Consciously I know the markets and algorithms have periods of wax and wane, and it has no reflection on my work, but emotionally it can be hard to feel that. When things are good it’s a real high, and then when things are slow, it’s important to focus on keeping going and making the work.
Are you a full-time NFT artist? If yes, was it hard to make the decision? If not, are you planning on going full-time soon?
I used to combine making art with being a freelance UX Designer. I haven’t had a UX contract for almost a year now, so you could say I’m a full-time artist! I didn’t have a full-time job to quit, though, so it made that transition a lot easier, and it feels like I still have freelancing to fall back on.
What advice would you give aspiring NFT female artists?
Mostly I would just encourage them to get involved! It can feel like a bit of a boys club, but there are male artists who are allies to female and minority artists. The battle is definitely not won, but there is at least a deliberate effort from some people to make space for a more diverse demographic of artists. There are often subgroups within larger communities where you can connect with other diverse artists.
I hope you enjoyed this short overview of these six talented NFT artists. This wasn’t supposed to be a comprehensive list; there are many more fantastic women creating NFT art or female art, from generative art to other forms.
Until next time,
- Kaloh
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Wow!! I just followed them! They are very talented. 💕
No mention of CryptoGirlLucy. Shame.